Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Music has always held a special place in my heart. I have loved it since I was a little girl.

When I was little my parents had a big fancy white front room. Everything in there was pristine and wonderful. It was the perfect New York City apartment of every little girls imagination. Not only was it big and white, and beautifully was equiped with the latest technology for our listening pleasure...that's right...a hi-fi (that's an old fashioned stereo, kiddies!) I would put on the "Oklahoma" LP (oh yea baby!) and rock out. Some times when I was feeling modern and hip...I'd pop in the latest Donny and Marie 8 track..."I'm a little bit country....I'm a little bit rock n' roll"...and I would let my imagination run wild.

Through the years my tastes refined. Who in my family can forget that I was/am Boy George's biggest fan? Seventh Grade when my parents wouldn't let me go to the Thompson Twins concert so I wore black for a week...mourning. I mean sheez...they let me go to the Neil Diamond Concert in 4th grade...and looking at lyrics as an adult...I have pretty good idea which concert was "racier". But that brings me to my point.

Certain songs hold special memories for all of us. Here are a few of mine...I won't include "Fame" as that has already been expounded on. Please laugh and remeber back to your songs...

Hold Me Now...Thomposn Twins...First Speeding Ticket

Where do Broken Hearts Go? ...Whitney Houston...First Break-Up (bhooooooooohoooooo)

Forever in Blue Jeans...Neil Diamond...First Concert

When I met Mr. Wonderful he would always let me use his ipod when I would travel. He would load it with music for me (since I tend to be not so technologically advanced). He would start every play list with Macy Gray..."I Try"...(Sigh)

Yesterday I was rocking out to Miss D (that's right...I listen Celine got a problem with that?) and I was thinking about some friends who were coming over for a carmel apple fest, oh, alright, who am I guys are the only ones who read this anyway! Now I will always think of our girls night out whenever I hear Celine Dion...well, our party and how much my thighs hurt from scrubbing so you would think I was soooo cool, but then you went upstairs and and saw the messy part of the house all my secrets are out now!!!


Karlee Turner said...

Whew...thanks for letting out your own secret..I've been struggling trying to keep in in :) I love our little get togethers! Good times.

Maryann said...

Thanks for having us over and for scrubbing everything for us! But most of all, thanks for showing us the upstairs so that I felt more at home! :) That was so much fun and I've been craving caramel apples since. (who am I kidding... all the goopy stuff that falls to the bottom)