Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mr. Wonderful

I love fall. I love fall for many reasons. But many of you may not know the number one reason of all. Fall is when I fell!

You see, 5 years ago, I was not the person I am now. I was broken and shattered. I was unrecognizable. My world had crumbled and crashed around me and I was left not knowing what to do. Thank Heavens for my sisters and my parents! They picked me up and dusted me off. One sister even made me a to do list. 1st thing on my list every day: "Get out of bed!" Best advice ever to someone who wants to hide under her covers...for reals...if it's on my list then I have to do it!

Life moved on and so did I. Me and my life got better.

And then my phone rang. My dear friend in WA. had a brother who was being naughty. He was living with her and her husband when he quit coming home. She called me and asked me a favor. She requested that I get on an LDS singles website to find him (she couldn't because she was married...he apparently checked his singles mail all the time...I was to find him and tell him to go home!).

I made a stupid profile and looked for him (no avail). I also checked out all of the women. I really wanted to know what I was up against in the dating scene. Later that night, during dinner with my parents and sister I told them about the website. We all had a good laugh about it. Shortly after, my mom and my sister suggested I make real profile. With some prodding and my brother-in-law taking a smoking hot picture of me....I was an official internet prowler.
Then one day I got a "wink" from "techguy801" (if you know him, you're laughing right now!) He sent me a little e-note that said, "sounds like you spend alot of time in your car. I do too. What else do you like to do?"

And so it began. *SIGH*...

We emailed each other quite a bit. Then we moved to instant messaging. I was constantly checking my emails to see if he had sent yet another witty and clever message. I was always hoping he would be online when I was. I was totally smitten by him, but, YIKES, I didn't even know him.

After what seemed like forever...about six weeks...I had had enough. I was ready to meet this man who had put a constant smile on my face. We would still be interfacing via the internet today if I had never had the courage to say, "let's meet!" (Mr. Wonderful is painfully shy and would probably never have initiated a meeting). My request was met with the worlds cutest, "rely?" (mis-spelling and all...don't forget this all happened on a chat screen, and his fingers were so enamored of my request that he momentarily forgot how to spell).

Novemeber 1st was the day we met in person. One movie and one dinner later...We had a good time and my prayers that he didn't think I was too fat were heard. On the way home from our glorious first date, I called my mommy and told her all about it. We laughed. I was pretty sure there wouldnt be a second date, as Mr. Wonderful was not full of his usual witty convo and refused to make eye contact with me. I was disappointed I would never see him again, but then became consumed with extreme tummy troubles...so I didn't really care. Mommy asked me if I was sure he didn't slip a "date rape" drug into my food. I was pretty sure.

After a LONG (LONG) night, I forced myself out of bed. I frumped to my computer and turned it on, hoping that the previous night had never really happend. And there waiting for me, was the sweetest little email from Mr. Wonderful. He had had a good time afterall...he was just a little shy and thought I had the most beautiful eyes in the world! *SIGH*

It's all gravy from there folks! We fell in love. He fell for the littles and they him. I would venture to say that we are more in love now than ever. We love each other and the littles. 5 months later he asked me to marry him and build a life together. The best thing that ever happened to me is when I fell in the fall.


The Pond's Lily Pad said...

JEEZ; I wasn't planning on crying today!! Glad that you and Mr. W are so happy together! luv yer guts!!

The Painters said...

You are way too cute Mindy!

Rantin'Rag said...
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Rantin'Rag said...

Love it!
Love you!
Of course, there's still the fact that I kick myself as i read your story. Where the heck was I?!
Bad Friend Alert!
I'm so very happy you two found each other.
By the way, it's utterly shocking how much the littles grew in one year!!

Karlee Turner said...

LOVED that post! You have such a way with writing...so entertaining! You're great! Why did it take us so long to become friends??

Darci Jean the Dancing Queen Jr. said...

Awww!!!! You give me HOPE!!! (However, I'm on every online singles site known to man and haven't found anything even close to Mr. W......and I'm becoming impatient!)

Anyway, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your story! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you!!! XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

What a story! I laughed, I cried, I threw up a little in my mouth!

WhiteRabbit said...

Awww... That is the bestest story EVER! (sniff)

And yes, I did chuckle at the "techguy801."