Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Midnight Ramblings

I am Hungry. Starving. Ready to eat. I hate dieting, yet I am ALWAYS on one. Why did I drink diet coke so late at night. Oh dear, I spilled the beans, that not even my closest of close friends know. I'm a junkie. I'm not proud of it. I drink the Nectar of the Gods! I'm ashamed. I'm so UTAH! When people say, "You don't like diet coke?" I can honestly say, "No, not really." Because I love it!!!!! Only Mr. Wonderful knows how I love it. I would venture to say that if we have ever gone out you, you would never have seen me drink a Diet Coke. I'm a closet addict. Everyone knows about the Peanut Butter Cups, and the bags upon bags of Chocolate Chips....but now this? I'm sorry. I prefer a cocktail of Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, and...well..Water. I hate the bubbles of fizzy drinks. The water really makes it go flat fast...and then...well, HEAVEN! If you are disappointed in me, all I have to say for myself is..."Try it! You just might like it!"

Went to Greg's grave yesterday. I was driving by and thought, "Hey, I don't have to be home, no one needs to go potty, or needs me to wipe their bums, I still have plenty of time to get home before the kids do". It was awesome..I've never been without someone else. Mom was worried about the cemetary, because it isn't so lovely. All I can say is....LOVELY! It was so peaceful and beautiful, the breeze was blowing, the sun was shinning, his little flag was waving. I sat down beside him and told him all the latest gossip and laughed at how he's "famous" now. He is a Hero. No one has to look for his grave...Everyone just knows right where it is. Colton inspired me today because we had been talking about when Greg and I were little. I told him all about the Lake Powell Trip. Good Times...

I found this shopping list. Interesting...
Wish I could sleep. Wish Mr. Wonderful would wake up and sing to me and not forget the diamond ring this time. Wish I didn't love the juice as much as I do.


Stacia said...

That's funny you don't like the fizz. I HATE when my soda gets a little flat. Want to ditch the cup. And I drink diet coke too!

The Pond's Lily Pad said...

Mormon Coffee, anyone?

collette said...

LOVING your shopping list! However... That's YOUR list, not mine. Be sure you check EVERYTHING off! Looking forward to playing today!

collette said...

And thanks for going to the cemetery. Makes me cry. Good tears, though.