Monday, April 27, 2009


This weekend I visited my Grandpa. He is the only grandpa I have ever known. He is 95 and doing OK. As I prepared myself to visit him in his hospital room, I silently prayed that he would remember me and "my" story. Everytime that I can remember seeing him he would tell me the story of how he drove me and my mom home from the hospital when I was born. I rode in the back seat in a baby bed. He tells me how I never even made a "peep" and how proud he was to be driving me home.

When I walked into the hospital room to see grandpa, I said, "Hi Grampa! It's me, Mindy" (heart pounding...please remember, please remember)...and then, "Mind! Ol' Kid! Come here. I want to tell you about the day I drove the prettiest baby home from the hospital" and then he told me the story! Sure...right after that he had to hurry upstairs and get changed because the governer and the reporters were coming to give him his award, but hey...I got my story...maybe one last time.

And that started me thinking about my blessings. My neighbors daughter in law is dying of cancer. She has maybe a couple days left at most. She has 3 babies and is 27 years old. She wont raise her babies. I was sad for her because she is being cheated of her time with them. How can you say goodbye when you just barely got to say hello? But she has to. But I know that she feels blessed to have had them for any time.

I feel blessed for all of my blessings. My trials that ended up being bigger blessings are amazing. My blessings continue everyday. I'm not just talking material blessings, but my health, my kids, my family, my grandparents, my list goes on...and I am grateful.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day Light Savings?

Why? Why on earth do we have Day Light Savings time? I am forced, as a mother, to wonder...How many murders are committed the first week of this God-Forsaken time change? How many unnecessary beatings occur all because I, whoops, I mean we, as a state, are deprived of our so precious sleep. How many 12 year olds must be awakened with their mother yelling, "BUB!! I'm not freaking kidding!! You have 10 minutes or Im driving you to school in your underwear!!"

The whole "savings" part is mixed up too. Since my "clock" is off, I lay awake all night spending in my head...not "SAVING". For instance, last night we looked at cars so all night I bought 2 or 3 different my head...could this possibly be a conspiracy by the government to make us stay out later, eatting out, shopping for cars? Their own little "Secret Boost the Economy and Murder your Children at the Same Time" scheme?

I believe it is!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Royal Fools

When I was 12, I was in a band....Me and my sister and Jason Gardner... We went to Bothell Music and pooled our money and bought the sheet music for "Saving All My Love for You" by Her Royal Highness, Miss Whitney Houston. We came home to our house and Jason played the piano in our little music nook. My sister played her rockin' string bass...and I...well, lets just say, I outsang Whit herself. We were going to be so freaking famous! But we couldnt find a gig! 12 years later (hahaha...if you do the math, you will laugh) I have a 12 year old son who is in a band. The Royal Fools. He is the lead singer and guitarist (player guy). He has been dying to get a "gig" Mommy aka the Band Manager...suggested the local talent show. Here is their tryout. I am proud of him, and just a little sad that me and the band arent going to get back together. What do you say, Jason? Krista? One last gig that would really be our first??